Index by Code Section
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- Parent Category: Advice
Index of Opinions by Code Section
Sec. 2-801. Definitions
2004-8. Holiday gifts
2005-2. Solicitations for employee awards
2008-3. Gifts of travel to City
2004-5. Travel exception to ban on gratuities
2006-2. Travel reimbursements from prohibited sources
2007-2. Disclosure of expenses paid by non-city source
2008-3. Gifts of travel to City
Prohibited sources
2008-1. Prohibited sources
Sec. 2-802. Purpose
2017-1. Appearance of impropriety
Sec. 2-808. Representing private interests before agencies
2005-4. Board members appearing before their own board
2006-4. Board members appearing before related city agencies
2007-1. Board members appearing before oversight department
Sec. 2-809. Representing private interests before courts
2008-8. Board members representing clients in matters adverse to City
Sec. 2-810. Representation after separation from employment
2004-3. Restrictions for one year after leaving city employment
2005-5. Restrictions on appearances and work by former deputy city attorney
2009-2. BeltLine Affordable Housing Advisory Board
2015-2. Post City Private and Public Employment
Sec. 2-811. Use of property and services
2003-1. No waiver of rental fees for personal use of parks property
2004-1. Defining "official city business"
2005-7. Use of city property by candidates for city office
2008-4. Use of city property in city pension board elections
2008-5. Use of city property in campaign endorsements
2008-6. Financial transactions between supervisors and subordinates
2008-7. Use of city letterhead in charitable fundraising
2020-1. Use of city funds to purchase gift cards
2021-1. Outside Jobs and Remote Work
Sec. 2-812. Participation in contracts
2003-2. Potential conflicts of interest related to authority president
2005-1. Police auctions
2009-1. Engaging services of immediate family member’s company
2009-2. BeltLine Affordable Housing Advisory Board
2010-1. Conflicts of interest related to clients of employee’s company
2019-1. Spouses and Domestic Partners of City Officials and Employees Doing Business with the City
Sec. 2-813. Disclosure of interests
2004-4. Conflicts of interest and NPU officers
2008-2. Disclosing financial and personal interests
2008-8. Board members representing clients in matters adverse to the City
2010-1. Conflicts of interest related to clients of employee’s company
2010-2. Disclosure and disqualification due to personal interests
2012-1. Conflicts of interest related to service on city board
2017-1. Appearance of impropriety
2019-1. Spouses and Domestic Partners of City Officials and Employees Doing Business with the City
Sec. 2-814. Disclosure of income and financial interests
2015-1. Criteria and Process for Filing of Annual Financial Disclosure Statements
Sec. 2-815. Disclosure of travel reimbursements
2004-5. Travel exception
2006-2. Travel reimbursements from prohibited sources
2007-2. Disclosure of expenses paid by non-city sources
Sec. 2-816. Passes, tickets and gratuities
2004-7. Gifts of tickets
2013-1. Tickets and performance of city contracts
Sec. 2-817. Prohibition on giving or receiving gratuities
2003-3. Honorarium
2004-8. Holiday gifts
2008-1. Prohibited sources
Sec. 2-818. Solicitations
2004-6. Solicitations for charity
2005-2. Solicitations for employee awards
2005-6. Solicitations for city programs benefiting citizens
2008-6. Financial transactions between supervisors and subordinates
2008-7. Use of city letterhead in charitable fundraising
2011-1. No direct solicitations of prohibited sources
Sec. 2-819. Disclosure of confidential information
2005-1. Police auctions
2006-1. Use of city records
Sec. 2-820. Incompatible interests
(a) 2003-2. Potential conflicts of interest related to authority president
2004-2. Outside investments of council policy analyst
(b) 2004-2. Outside employment of council policy analyst
2007-3. City employees working for national airline
2021-1. Outside Jobs and Remote Work
(c) 2005-3. Employees doing business with the City
2006-3. Board members doing business with the City
2019-1. Spouses and Domestic Partners of City Officials and Employees Doing Business with the City
(e) 2003-3. Honorarium