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Welcome to Atlanta Ethics

Next Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
July 18, 2024
In-person and streaming live at 6 pm on City Channel 26.
Click here for more information.

Search Filed Ethics Disclosure Reports by clicking here 

Governing Board Meetings are open to the public and can  
be viewed live on Channel 26 or online at
Click here for more information


The Ethics Office is an independent city office led by the City Ethics Officer. The office is charged with bringing the City into compliance with the Code of Ethics (Standards of Conduct) and instilling a culture of ethics and integrity within city government. 
Click here for more information

Audit Reports

The City of Atlanta's Code of Ethics (Section 2-814) requires elected officials and selected employees to disclose assets and income sources to the Ethics Division of the Office of the Inspector General. The Ethics Division completes an annual audit which addresses completeness and accuracy of the contents of the City Financial Disclosure Statement (CFDS). 

Background on Audit Process
In 2007, the City of Atlanta Board of Ethics (now the Governing Board of the Office of the Inspector General) adopted a process to require timely filing of the FDS. In 2016, the City Auditor completed a Performance Audit of the financial disclosure process and recommended that the Ethics Division (previously the Ethics Office) audit financial disclosure statements for potential errors, omissions, and potential conflicts of interest. 

Click on the link below to view the latest City Financial Disclosure Audit Reports:


E-File System Tutorials

Easy Ethics Electronic Filing Application

Virtual E-File Days
What: 45 minute Zoom webinar session on filing statements in the Easy Ethics Filing Application. Sessions hosted by application developer and Ethics Division staff.

When: March 24th and 25th, 2021 at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

How to Join: Click here to join a filing webinar on Zoom
Webinar passcode: 722410

Video tutorials and PDF guides

1) How to Reset Your System Password:


2) How to File a City Financial Disclosure Statement:

PDF Instructions

3) How to Amend a City Financial Disclosure Statement:


4) How to File a Previously Started City Financial Disclosure Statement

PDF Instructions




Module 1: The Building Inspector

Anthony left the City less than four months ago. He was a former building inspector and worked in the Planning Department for several years and was promoted over the years. Anthony is an outgoing, jovial and was very popular not only in his office, but throughout the City. He has also developed relationships with many of the contractors that regularly come to the City for building permits.

Module 1: Q&A

Question 1: Should Anthony have to wait to apply for building permits for HCC?

A. Yes, because this violates the city’s covenant not to compete rule
B. Yes, because this violates the city’s post employment rule
C. No, he shouldn’t have to wait

Answer: B. Anthony is violating the city’s post employment rule, Section 2-810 of the Ethics Code, by applying for the building permit for HCC.

Question 2
: How long should he have to wait, if so?

A. No wait
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. One year

Answer: D. Under the post employment rule, Anthony must wait one year before applying for this permit. Anthony worked closely with the contractor before he left and acquired specialized information working in the Office of Buildings.  He should not be appearing at his former department to file permits on behalf of HCC. 

Question 3:
Could the City hire Anthony as a consultant, instead of HCC hiring him?

A. No
B. Yes, but only after a year
C. Yes, with no waiting period

Answer: C. The Ethics Code would not prohibit the City from hiring Anthony, a former employee, as a consultant. 

Question 4:
Has Melanie done anything wrong by helping Anthony out?

A. No, this is public information that anyone can access
B. No, but she should consult with her supervisor first before doing so
C. Yes, because this is information that should not be provided to Anthony.

Answer: C. Release of information that is not available to the general public is a violation of Section 2-819 of the Ethics Code, which governs Disclosure of Confidential Information.  Melanie is providing confidential information from the city’s system to Anthony which will benefit him financially.  



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